Monday, October 19, 2009

And then they learn to talk...

You know, I remember that not too long ago I had frequent thoughts of how great it would be when the Schnitz would finally start talking. I thought I would share some snippets from the last few days so that I could explore how that's working out for me...mostly good, some obnoxious, and those that make it all worthwhile;-)

Saturday as we're on our way to the car to drop the Schnitz at KidsTown and take ourselves to game night with our Sunday school class:

Us: "What a great day! The football games were awesome...we're actually #1 in Fantasty Football, the weather is gorgeous and we get a night out! It is a GREAT day!"

Schnitz: (in very Eeyore-esque fashion) "It's NOT a great day! Sun's too bright, it's too hot, football is NOT a good idea!" Hmmm...having any trouble understanding his thoughts on the matter?;-)

This morning as he's using the potty:

"Poop in your pullup says, 'Don't clap your hands'"

Yes, this WAS before coffee and for the life of me I couldn't figure out what an appropriate response to that would be??

Fast forward to this afternoon, after approximately 10 minutes of quiet during which I thought he had finally fallen asleep for his nap. As I'm sitting at the table indulging in the idea that I might actually get some work done, he walks down the stairs:

Schnitz: "I'm done taking my nap."

Me: "What nap? You've been quiet for all of 10 minutes; you never took a nap."

Schnitz: (very matter of factly) "That's because I like to play and THAT'S why you shouldn't take me back upstairs." Then follows a stream of things that, quite honestly, I stopped listening to because I was busy pondering how much easier it was to put him down for a nap before he was mobile! I was then jolted out of my reverie by, "You just need to talk to me!!" LOL! Tell me how you really feel!

But, I have to end this by sharing the best thing I heard all day (especially after we had a bit of a rough afternoon) as I carried him up the stairs to his bed:

"Mama, you're my favorite friend."

Tell me that wouldn't melt a heart of stone:-)