Saturday, June 28, 2008

Books I'm Reading.....

Ok, is it possible that some people don't like to read? I was just pondering this the other day and came up with no good answer. I mean, no matter what your interest...there's a book that fits. And you can take them almost anywhere; handy! Ah well, I probably won't ever get that one answered. But, since the topic of books and reading was one of a very few consistent thoughts floating through my mind today, I thought I'd share the three that I'm reading right now (why limit myself to just one, right??)

The first one is actually for a womens Bible study that I'm attending this summer. We wanted something a little less labor-intensive than what we do fall and spring semester, but this has actually turned out to be great! I actually am planning to use this with Rusty when he gets older because I think it's a fantastic way to learn the basic framework of the Bible that too often gets pushed to the side.

It does a great job of going through and explaining the purpose of the different books (eg, history, prophecy, poetry, etc), timelines, locations and the main individuals associated with each section. Amazing how much more sense some things are making and I've been in church since birth! Highly recommend this one.

And because I think it's just a good plan to always have some good fiction to delve into (especially in the summer!), I'm reading "Captain Blood" by Sabatini. If you like historical fiction at all, this guy is great! This one takes place in the 1600's during the time of King James the II beginning in England and moving on to Barbados. Very well written and fun!

And finally, a more serious book of a sociological bent that I really think is an important read, especially for anyone with sons or who works with kids on a regular basis. I tend to be of the belief that there's not a big problem with admitting that boys and girls are different. Actually, I think it works out really well because I tend to think that it's harder to get everything done and enjoy life when everyone is exactly the same. Mind you, I don't think girls are inferior in any way, shape or form, but once again, I'm not freaked out by noticing that there are differences. This book looks at the "girl crisis" that some very well-funded groups are focused on solving and how that crisis not only doesn't exist, but actually ignores the "boy crisis" that is going on (eg., higher dropout rates, less aptitude in reading/writing, etc). And worse than that, is the idea that boys are seen as bad (and not simply bad, but likely future batterers and rapists) and in need of reform, just because they're boys.

Apparently the way to deal with that is to simply raise them as girls. Ummm...what?? Here's a lovely tidbit from a conference as an example: " of the participating teachers boasted of her success in getting boys in her kindergarten class to dress up in skirts. Another proudly reported that she makes a point of informing boys that their action figures are really dolls."

Ok, it's late and I think it might be uncomfortable to actually camp out on my soapbox, so I will wrap this up now! If ya'll decide to read any of these books, let me know what you think!:-)


Steph said...

Seriously? Can I camp out on your soap box since you decided not to?

Hmph. And we wonder what the heck is wrong with people these days.

Anonymous said...

Hey! I added you to my blogroll! Here's my blog:

Anonymous said...

The War Against Boys...this is precisely why I don't want my son in public school. It's baaaad out there. Sick. Bad. Actually, they're indoctrinating the girls that boys / men are weak and stupid, right in front of the boys. Subconsciencely, of course. Ugh...I'm on the soapbox with ya, now.

OK, Happy belated Birthday, Karrie.
You are awesome. I'm sorry I don't come by more often.

Karrie said...

Steph-come on up, there's plenty of room for ya!!!


Jen-precisely my thoughts on the matter (just keep adding those marks to the "pro" list for hs)! I really find myself getting so angry as I read, thinking of the incredibly negative aspersions that they are casting on even little, little guys. And you know, as a mama of one of those little guys...well, let's just say I'm not a big fan of having him labelled a future batterer/rapist because he likes to run around and crash his toy cars into things.

Glad you're up here on the soapbox with Steph and the party can begin!:-)

And thanks for the birthday wishes...come by any time!!

Anonymous said...

Why can't you live in Lubbock?? I need you here. :)

Karrie said...

Trust me, I would go for the friends and convenience of a Lubbock address:-) Thank goodness for the internet so we at least are able to keep in touch this way!

BTW...a bit in the future, but wanted to let you know that we're coming for a long weekend for the Tech/Texas game the first of November. Looking forward to seeing you then!