Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Allergies are from the Devil!!!
Friday, April 25, 2008
Case in point, for the longest time, I've been setting the coffee maker to come on at 6:00 am. The reason for this is that Rusty wakes up between 6-6:15 each morning and knowing that there is fresh, hot coffee waiting at the bottom of just one measly flight of stairs has been very beneficial to my mental health.
Until this past Tuesday.
My husband, who I have deemed "Genius of the World" (no sarcasm intended!), got up a little bit earlier than usual for work. He noticed that the schnitz slept soundly while he was shaving and brushing his teeth, but he woke up almost immediately after the coffee maker gave off its 3 shrill "beeeeeps" announcing that it had finished its coffee-brewing duties. Who knew those beeps actually made that much noise?? So we decided to experiment on Wednesday and only turn the coffee on once we made it downstairs. Result...my child is now sleeping until 8 or 8:30 in the morning!!!!!! (Does anyone else hear strains of the "Hallelujah Chorus" playing????)
No wonder he'd had trouble transitioning to just one afternoon nap....I had inadvertently been waking him up 2-2 1/2 hours early!
Lesson: no coffee beeps at 6:00....child sleeps until 8:00...cycle broken!
And so on to another cycle I've been reading about that I thought ya'll would find interesting. I know I've never really thought about it in this way.
I've been attending a women's bible study at my church since last fall. This semester we studied the book of Ephesians which, as you know, includes instructions for husbands/wives in the sixth chapter.
In a nutshell: husbands love unconditionally, wives respect unconditionally.
As we talked about this particular portion of the chapter, what we focused on a great deal is that while everyone KNOWS that love should be unconditional in marriage (and even implying otherwise would cause some serious issues) our culture is skewed dramatically to the idea that respect must be earned. Hmmmm....
At the same time that I was working on the study lesson for Eph. 6, I also finished a novel I'd been reading and picked up a book that my in-laws gave us last Christmas called "Cracking the Communication Code: The Secret to Speaking Your Mate's Language" by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs. Oddly enough, his take on the marital relationship is basically taken directly from that same passage in Ephesians. He explains that men and women have inherently different needs for love and respect and this creates a cyclical relationship. Basically, when each need is met it creates a motivation to meet the other.
As he puts it, "His love motivates her respect->Her respect motivates his love".
Now that just makes sense to me. Then he went on to the part I'd found a bit more convicting in bible study. We are commanded by God to do these things whether our mate is doing his/her part at the time or not. We are to do so out of our love and obedience to Him and He blesses us for this obedience.
"His love blesses regardless of her respect->Her respect blesses regardless of his love".
Finally, here's the part that I think it is so easy to forget especially when I'm tired or just cranky in general. He states that we need to remember to see each other as goodwilled persons. We need to trust that even if things are said/done that are annoying or even hurtful, our spouse generally speaking, intends to do us good. I loved how he summed up this idea,
"When the tension rises...we need to remember when we first met and fell in love. We did not say, 'I hate you and you hate me, so let's get married.' The same person each of us met and married is still there, even though, at that moment, it doesn't seem that way."
I am so very fortunate to be married to my best friend in the entire world. He is a fantastic husband and father and truly a great guy. I am thankful for the reminders that God provides to always treat both my husband and our relationship as the amazing gifts that they are!
Monday, April 21, 2008
Obsessions del Shnitz
That being said, here are the objects that the schnitz has found to be entirely captivating over the past week, month and some of them even the past year. If you have a child or children that have developed similar fascinations, by all means share and set my mind at ease!:-)
First on the list, we have an actual toy. Woohoo! This is a more recent obsession, but has certainly been an entertaining one. This lion has a button on his paw that, when pushed, starts a recording of "In the Jungle". Much like Ross' monkey Marcel on "Friends" the schnitz has taken to playing this song over and over and over and over......you get the point. The really entertaining part is that he will pick up the lion, put it on whatever surface he deems appropriate, hit the paw and then back up and start dancing and snapping his fingers. Should I ever manage to actually get this performance on tape, rest assured that I will post it here for the sheer entertainment value! I made the mistake the other night of letting him take the lion to bed with him and was awakened the next morning at 6 by the sounds of "a-weem-ba-wep, a-weem-ba-wep" coming through the monitor. Now THAT was an interesting way to wake up!
Kitchen Appliances
Vacuum...le piece de resistance!
Friday, April 18, 2008
Songs and memories
I found this video of the opening ceremony for the Pope's speech at the White House earlier this week. It's of the Army Choir singing "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" and I think it is fantastic (disclaimer: I have been informed that this is not a popular song with those from the south, but my purpose of this post is not a north/south debate...promise:-) I have the most distinct memory of being not more than five or six, standing on a pew in my grandparents' church in Gering, Nebraska singing this song while standing next to my Uncle Les, dressed in his Marine dress blues. Even at that young age, I felt an incredible amount of pride to be a part of this country and to have my beloved uncle (you would love him too...he's awesome:-) be such an integral part of defending it. That same emotion gets stirred and honestly brings tears to my eyes every time I hear this song. It is a powerful reminder of how incredibly lucky we all are to live here. No matter what is going on politically, economically or otherwise, there is NOWHERE in the world I would rather be.
I only hope that as Rusty gets older, Brad and I are successful in teaching him what a truly great nation we live in, how very blessed we are to do so, and to be truly appreciative of all those who continue to defend it with their lives.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Pinky's Meme
The Rules:
1. Write your own six word memoir.
2. Post it on your blog and include a visual illustration if you want.
3. Link to the person that tagged you in your post and to the original post if possible so we can
track it as travels across the blogosphere.
4. Tag at least five more blogs with links.
5. Leave a comment on the tagged blogs with an invitation to play.
I tag Janice, Amanda, Andi, Elisa, and Laura.
Have fun!
Monday, April 14, 2008
Hope Springs Eternal!
Rusty loved the hike! There were dogs of every size and shape all along the trail and so we were treated with a continous stream of "dog" and "woof woof" as well as a lot of smiles. He was also fascinated with the boulders. I can't say as I blame him. I think they're pretty cool too!:-)
We had a great time and decided that we definitely need to take advantage of the scenery we're surrounded by here in Colorado by going on a lot more hikes this summer. We're also planning on another caming trip to Sylvan Lake. It's located about 20 or 30 minutes west of Vail (about a 2 1/2 hour drive from our house) and is one of the prettiest spots I've ever seen! We went over Labor Day weekend last year and loved it. The only downside is that by that time of year it got REALLY cold at night! So, this next trip will probably take place closer to the middle of summer and less likely to lead to potential hypothermia:-)
Here's a few pictures from last year's trip. Isn't it gorgeous??
Friday, April 11, 2008
Random tidbits from the last few days
Last week, Brad took Louie and Nala to the vet for their annual visit. Upon returning home he left the cat carrier in the front hallway. Mere moments later, we walk into the front hallway to see this:
And speaking of vacuums....this is one of his all-time obsessions. (Not that I anticipate this particular obsession will last long enough to be helpful in keeping house.) Three days ago I bought a new mop since a good portion of our house is now either tile or laminate. I haven't actually gotten to use it yet because the schnitz has decided it's the best thing since sliced bread and plays with it for HOURS on end. He even took a nap with the top portion because he wouldn't relinquish it and I'm a loyal member of the "pick your battles" club:-) Here's a sample of his sublime happiness with this newest gadget:
In the meantime, the cats have chosen a new "favorite napping spot". This is an ongoing project as I've been trying to get the back of our basement organized and with each bit of progress for me, another of their niches disappears. I'm hoping that this chosen spot doesn't mean that they want to be shipped out because they're tired of living with us and their new human who continues to insist on giving them hugs!
My prayer is simply that "real" spring will show up soon:-)
Making a start....
I will offer a caveat in advance. I am not the world's best at these sort of endeavors. Case in point, my poor child's photo album is completely empty (although the computer has hundreds of pics just waiting to actually be printed) and his baby book is only partially filled out. Heaven help any other kiddos we have! They'll be able to join the CIA and with no fear of anyone learning about their past:-)
A note about the title of this blog. My husband and I got married in September of 2002. At the time, he lived in Colorado and I lived in Texas. Due to the fact that we are not celebrities, a commuter marriage was out of the question and I moved to Colorado. Four months later, we bought our house and decided that it would be incomplete without a kitty cat and promptly started our search. We found our new family members at a shelter in NW Denver. They were about 7 months old at the time, a brother and sister from the same litter. Although the shelter had named them Ricky and Lucy, we renamed them Louie and Nala. Louie after King Louie of "Jungle Book" fame because we are convinced that he too actually wants to be a human (with the schedule of a cat, of course!). Nala's name came from "The Lion King" after we watched the scene where she thoroughly trounced Simba. While Nala is still literally half of her brother's weight, she can take him down in a heartbeat and seems to have periodic urges to "thin the herd" just a bit!
Moving on, we have discovered in the past 5 years that orange cats must have some gene that makes them, well, unique. They are completely crazy and have provided us with entertainment that we've always said was better than cable! However, we have also discovered that Louie is basically a perpetual toddler with all of the behaviors that go along with that, thus managing to babyproof our house FAR in advance of Rusty's arrival by breaking everything of monetary or sentimental value. He doesn't listen when you tell him no and even found our attempts at "disciplining" him with a water bottle to be "one of the best games, ever!!". Nala is almost a polar opposite. She follows the same schedule every day, absolutely HATES to even be scolded, and is the most graceful cat you've ever seen. I'd be willing to put money on her in a china shop while Louie would rack up a LARGE credit card balance in a matter of minutes!
Needless to say, when we found out we were expecting our first child, I started praying that God would give us a child with Nala's personality and not Louie's!! What I got was a kiddo with Nala's willingness to follow a schedule, but a much greater interest in Louie's method of exploring the world. Heaven help us all:-)
As to the "schnitz" moniker....while I was pregnant, my husband, who is quite the creative one, started calling the baby "schnitzel" and I'm afraid that it has stuck. As time has gone by, it has morphed into a more regular "shnitz" when addressing him directly or "the schnitz" when he's being talked about. My mother has expressed regular concern that he is going to be unable to recognize his actual name and may be mocked by others in the future for this. Don't worry, we took her concerns seriously and are in the process of setting up a therapy fund for him:-)
Although, I wondered what it would be like when I left the world of pharmaceutical research to be a stay at home mom, thanks to the three of them, my days are actually filled with a pretty regular stream of entertainment which I will hopefully be faithful at sharing with all of you!
Thanks for taking a look at my first attempt and I promise to do my very best to make it worth your while to come back!